Susan, AKA: Adventure Girl. I am among the blessed on the earth as I found Susan. Some folks like the term partner or soulmate, sounds fine to me but I don’t need a label. Susan & I are connected on a deep level. Very symbiotic. Sometimes it feels like there is only one of us and that feels good. I know this is not for everyone, I have seen successful marriages where the two have kept quite independent activities and identities. But we have never had too much time together. We drove to the arctic on a 7 week, 8,000 mile journey over 200 hours just sitting next to each other in the Jeep, taking in the adventure together. ( Emmylou Harris has a song, Strong Hand with a wonderful wilting refrain ‘and its a miracle, how one soul finds another’ ( ). I feel this on some retreats or while dancing when real contact is made with another and best of all I feel it frequently with Susan. There is a passage from St. Paul, commonly used in wedding ceremonies, that ‘the two shall become one’. when I was a teenager I thought it was romantic. In college I considered it misguided at best. As an adult in a long marriage I have found it to be a simple statement of fact.
So this whole process is hard on her and I appreciate when folks not only are sympathetic to my condition but they understand the stress she is under. In fact she gets a double dose. Her Mom is in hospice for 9 months now. Fading away physically and not much there mentally for a long time. Susan is over visiting almost every other day. Quite a retirement for her, eh?(As the Canadians would say.)
Song of the moment, added to the Dancing With Mr C playlist, not exactly 'our song' but one we have shared a lot, Into My Arms By Nick Cave
We meet with our best friends, Bob & Bya. Tea for them just water for me getting ready for the PET scan. We are blessed to have good friends who are there physically and emotionally for us. We have traveled many times together, this is not a trip I would invite anyone to take yet there they are signing on. Hope not to call on them but who knows what the next few months hold?
Tonight is the PET scan, then tomorrow morning have to be across town at 7:30 AM at a UCLA medical office where they will check my teeth and make an ‘appliance’ that helps control damage to the teeth in the radiation process. I’m sure it will take the whole morning but is a very good idea as my dentist sister in law advised that radiation can seriously degenerate the teeth. So very enhanced attention to tooth protection and hygiene is warranted.
Friday we should have the results of the PET scan and know either everything or at least the most important facts about the extent of the cancer.
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