Friday, November 6, 2015

Dancing With The Boovs

Things are feeling just a shade of early grim. My mouth is in discomfort. The Dr  says there are ulcerations in my mouth. Not a surprise, actually expected, just later in the process. He thinks that radiation reflection off my crowns and fillings are frying local tongue and mouth skin. He prescribes a ‘miracle mouthwash’ which is blended mylanta, lidocaine and who know what else but it works. If I gargle with it my mouth is numb enough to eat and its good for getting to sleep too. 

So at this time, rather than the deep, darker films I feel like watching (The Grapes of Wrath or even better The Seventh Seal) Susan gets the DVD ‘Home’. Wonderful animation.  It maybe helps to have grandchildren, to see it through their eyes. But here I am laughing and dancing through it. And there is one wonderful scene where the Boov hears some funky music for the first time  and their multiple feet cannot stay still. Seems like music and dancing are common across the galaxy not just on planet earth. Susan & I dance around the room to all the songs in the extras part of the DVD. Life is good.

Heck, I want to heal myself and  heal the earth and now maybe we can heal the galaxy with music and dance.

Dancing In The Dark from Home:

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