Friday, October 30, 2015

Happy Unbirthday To Me

Today is officially my birthday, turning 65. But I am not celebrating it today. I am saving that for a future date when I can celebrate being alive and more vital. And I will be celebrating many unbirthdays then as well.  I wish everyone an unbirthday!
I am in better shape this day than I thought I would be a week ago when the chemo began, my body invaded by strange substances. The radiation is only now getting irritating  but far less than I am told is coming. Sort of a sweet spot and I am going to enjoy it as much as I can.

I remember ages past to about 1959 in 4th grade when I looked at a calendar and wondered how the world would look in 2000, I would be 50 then, an incomprehensible number. Anything higher went actually unimagined. It has been a good 65 years and, except for the current cancer dance, life has only gotten better. 

Susan and I plan to drop in on our Friday night dance group. I  probably will not  dance much but its a time to play with friends all in costumes. Let the body and mind imagine new spaces. Some time back, before Mr C, I had planned to have a party as part of this gathering . Right now I am happy to be here at all.  
My song for today? Somewhere Over The Rainbow Izzy’s version:

‘And I say to myself, what a wonderful world’

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