Monday, October 5, 2015


On Sunday, after a month off for travel and medical reasons we go back for a Zumba class. About a year ago a new gym opened in our area and we signed up. Susan wanted the swimming pool and I loved the smell, look and feel of their brand new basketball court. I was recovering from a-fib heart ablation procedure so the doctors wanted me to exercise especially on something like a treadmill where I could build up my heart rate and hold it at appropriate levels. One day we dropped in on a Zumba class and what a surprise. It was fun, moving to music and it was quite a workout. I have an exercise heart monitor and I would hit the same exercise profile as playing basketball, hold my BPM @ 135-150 for an hour and burn 600 to 800 calories in an hour. The first three classes were so challenging I did not think I would make it through. But I built up strength, endurance and even figured out some of the dance routines. We were kind of hooked. After a while we got to know and be one of ‘the regulars’ not a close knit community but friendly, familiar and comfortable.

On our return there are friendly enquires about our absence, visiting family? international travel? No, we tell them about dealing with cancer and it seems like everyone can relate. And they know how hard it is on Susan too. We make it through the class; a bit of penance and yet joy on moving again. My heart BPM gets up to 161 briefly, with a 145 average, shows I was getting out of shape. After the class I am tired but a ‘good’ tired. The friendly folks and instructor (is there a better title for a Zumba teacher? Chief Zumba Lady?) are supportive and welcome me to dance at my own pace whenever I can make it over the next few months.

One of my favorite Zumba songs, try keeping your feet from moving:

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