Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The News Today

In The News Today:

* Joe Biden decides not to run for President

* S&P 500 is down slightly

* Cubs are 0-3 Vs the NY Mets

* Frank completes his first chemo and radiation treatments

For some reason the last one really gets my attention. And, fortunately, my odds are much better than the Cubs.

The chemo went well 5+ hours, only passing moments of nausea but was advised that it can get worse later on and radiation has its own nausea issues. I’m a bit dizzy, wired on steroids and it is a two hour wait for the radiation treatment. 

The radiation tech asks what kind of music I want, since I am in darkness for some time they can pipe in music to keep me comfortable. I asked about EDM but he didn’t know what it is and its entirely the opposite of the kind of music for laying still. So I say the Beatles, no problem, he has a Beatles Pandora station. Well the station must intersperse other music of that era as I get into place and Hear the Rolling Stones doing You Can’t Always Get What You Want,
Somehow they couldn’t have picked a better song.

The radiation session is only about an hour including the setup and plenty of advice  from the rad tech to KEEP EATING, in 2+ weeks food will look and taste awful. Should I shave my beard? No problem, he says, the treatments will take care of that for me. I am bolted in place, the mask cranked down even harder, still hard to breathe and keep my throat clear. More alignment X-rays are taken and then they run the treatment, they said I was in about 20 minutes, I can’t call it a timeless experience, it seemed too long for that. It seems so long to to get to this point and so much ahead, the song of the moment is Crosby Still & Nash 'Long Time Gone'
 I love the line "and you know, the darkest hour is always, just before the dawn".

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