Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Ring Of Fire

Just some real hard days. Friday and Saturday had so much mouth pain I could not imagine how I would eat going forward. All I could see was a feeding tube and even heavier pain killers. Sunday was closer to normal. visited some friends and met with my mens group in the evening. It was a bit too much, I ate a little ice cream while staring at great burgers & beer. Even the ice cream had no interest but it is nice to connect with friends. Then Sunday night I take a Vicodin for pain and get so spaced out it is crazy. No sleep except for some nightmares. That med had worked well a few times before, but not now. My body was just shot all Monday. I went for the rad treatment and waited 2 hours longer as the person logging me in had not done so properly. I was advised I could protest to management but I was at a low energy point I could not think. I am not sure if the problem is the Vicodin, lack of sleep from pain or the chemo still coursing through my body. By the grace of God I get some sleep Monday night. First just an hour and a half and I feel like a dried out plant getting the first spring water. Then I doze off again for 6 hours and wake up feeling more human than I have in a week and  most pains faded to manageable. Whoo hoo! A real breakfast, if I can keep this up things could work out. Or is it  hubris again? 

The song playing in my head because nothing was a better descriptive line for the mouth pain than ‘Ring Of Fire’

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear of your mouth pain but glad you got some sleep! Sending love.
