Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Second Hubbard Street City Dance Wonder

Susan arranged for season dance tickets with the Hubbard Street Dance group being the top of the list I wanted to see. I saw them some years back and they were sweet and contemporary without the distractions that sometimes come with more avant guard troupes. As I am a Chicago boy I lived in walking distance (although its a rough neighborhood, taking life in ones hands to walk it then) of their Hubbard Street location. I did see that Second City is to perform with them, so I figured I can’t lose, Second City is one of the funniest comedy clubs in existence. We saw them a couple years ago in Chicago and laughed ourselves silly. I even forgive them for their building displacing Piper’s Alley, the first head shop I encountered in Chicago in 1964. A place full of black light posters, incense, Indian prints and other things magic to a 14 year old. I figured that they would alternate skits/dances and that would be fine.

Giving a literal description of the performance would miss everything. This blending works remarkably well. I think it was a big risk for Hubbard Street and could have gone wrong, but it didn’t. Its mostly a light, laugh filled performance but the dancing fits in perfectly with the comedy. And there is one set of a series of couples doing duets that is so beautiful I wish I were 20 again and could train to dance like that. I not only laugh a lot I actually forget that my throat is aching. Don’t miss a chance to see this show. Don't believe me? Read the critics:

Critics Review:

Mouth has been miserable, beard hair falling out in chunks. I think of my ‘theme’ song, ‘I’m So Glad’ but that is a later song, a victory song, now I am comforted by hearing ‘You Are Safe’ playing in my head.

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