Sunday, November 29, 2015

Thanksgiving Retrospective

It would e hard to imagine a better Thanksgiving. A wonderful gathering of family and friends for Thanksgiving dinner. My life has been enriched by being surrounded by the extended family. With some pain pills and lidocaine mouthwash I am able to feel human for 2 or 3 hours, enough to see folks having Thanksgiving food and fun. My gruel is about the same mac & cheese or soup but I do eat a little mashed potatoes and some cream corn. All tastes alike so its just a matter of finding something not irritating (like spicy or acidic) and the right texture to swallow. The pumpkin pie has cinnamon and that it too much, flan has the wrong texture. Everything is an experiment and the goal is just finding something I can get down my throat. 
This all came together despite my expressed wished that everybody just stay home. Aaron flat out said, nope, we’re coming. Michael and Sydney have been by several times. We knew we could not possibly put anyone up, Susan uses the second bedroom when my snoring gets too much. But our friends Bob & Bya  put up my sister & her husband and our friends (Bya’s sister) Kate and Tom are away traveling and they offer their house for Aaron & family. This is not only convenient and economical for sleeping it provides a place for eleven of us to gather for Thanksgiving dinner. In addition to the usual suspects Susan’ brother Eric, his wife Julie and their daughter Sam join in the festivities. No one could have planned this as well as it worked out, certainly nothing like this would have worked at our house. We also have the intermittent company of two friends of Bya and Kate, Lynell & Dennis, who are visiting from New Zealand. They are also staying at Kate & Tom’s house. It has a feel sometime of college gatherings of relatives, friends, strangers and travelers coming to gather in various configurations and all gaining from the experience. And a good time was had by all.
On Friday my son Michael  drove me to the radiation treatment, Susan gets a day off.  Next week, starting Monday is the ‘final run’, 5 radiation treatments, a long chemo treatment on Wednesday and then just holding through the three treatments the following and last week. Must be progress in there somewhere. 

Two songs for the season, one is corny or classic from the 70s, ‘Lets Get Together’ by the Youngbloods, perfectly appropriate to this time:

And for Susan, who has pushed, pulled, juggled and flowed; helping things come together without overrunning my very limited energy, its ‘Into My Arms’  I hold her and sway a little to the music, all the dancing my body can handle right now: 

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